Friday, February 07, 2014

A day in the life (Photo dump, part 1 of several)

Awhile ago (okay, probably six months) I took a set of photos that I thought could serve as a bit of a "day in the life" story. Consider this the first in a recurring series of what I've been up to. After these, the next few sets will mostly be travel shots.

And yes, I know there's usually Facebook for this sort of thing, but it's blocked from the only place here I can get good enough internet to upload these--the office after hours.

On this particular Saturday, I woke up and surveyed the view of lush rainy season Addis Ababa (and my drying pants) from my bedroom window...

I surveyed my spacious, sparsely furnished, and garishly-painted shared apartment...

And took a look back at our (totally unrepresentative for Addis) little apartment building before leaving for a (luckily also unrepresentative) Saturday morning in the office...

On the way, I saw the neighborhood trash collection going down...

And passsed by our local fruit stand...

On a quiet Saturday, you could feel like you were in a village in the back alleys of our neighborhood...

At least until you go out the gate that protects entry to the World Food Program country HQ...

Conveniently located next to Family Mexican Restaurant...

On the way to the office, I crossed the river... 

And got on the main road (that's since had a fifteen foot deep trench added for the construction of a Chinese-backed light rail line)...

I arrived at the fancy building that includes the offices for my organization, a private bank, and a few other organizations, plus one of the worst restaurants I've eaten at here...

Entered, and went up the elevator...

To the reception desk (which I hadn't realized until now was backed by a wall just that green)...

Overall, it's a pleasant, international grade, and somewhat generic working environment...

Which on this Saturday I left after only a few hours to cab across the city for a late lunch, passing by this billboard in Meskel Square, one of the city's main gathering points...

And this avatar of the rail construction...

And this somewhat confusing signage...

Before arriving at Buni's, a small place popular with expats that I try not to frequent too often...

It does have good views over the city...

To be enjoyed with the thirst-quenching and ubiquitous national brand of carbonated water...

Plus some strawberry juice, strawberry & banana pancakes, fries, a side of bacon, and a (now departed) roommate...

...And no more photos, because I guess I gave up on the photo-taking at that point. 

But here's one from the next day -- a pair of leopards from an accidental visit to a wildlife refuge...

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