Friday, February 07, 2014

A day in the life (Photo dump, part 1 of several)

Awhile ago (okay, probably six months) I took a set of photos that I thought could serve as a bit of a "day in the life" story. Consider this the first in a recurring series of what I've been up to. After these, the next few sets will mostly be travel shots.

And yes, I know there's usually Facebook for this sort of thing, but it's blocked from the only place here I can get good enough internet to upload these--the office after hours.

On this particular Saturday, I woke up and surveyed the view of lush rainy season Addis Ababa (and my drying pants) from my bedroom window...

I surveyed my spacious, sparsely furnished, and garishly-painted shared apartment...

And took a look back at our (totally unrepresentative for Addis) little apartment building before leaving for a (luckily also unrepresentative) Saturday morning in the office...

On the way, I saw the neighborhood trash collection going down...

And passsed by our local fruit stand...

On a quiet Saturday, you could feel like you were in a village in the back alleys of our neighborhood...

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Link dump

In response to several request (3 or 4 at least!), I’m going to be throwing some new content up onto this blog.

Given the gap since I last wrote, I think what makes the most sense here is a series of “content dumps.” So below are interesting pieces or links from the past few months on a few different themes.

Stay tuned as well for my “photo dump” and “thought dump.”

In the “readable” category:

In local news:

Interesting, academic, and not necessarily worth reading:

Flashy TED talks: